Contractions in Author’s List (text in Spanish)

Home Forums Foreign Language Contractions in Author’s List (text in Spanish)

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  • #10161
    Chris Clemens

    Should contractions be used in the list of authors on a Supplementary Title Page of a book entirely in Spanish?

    The two authors of the Spanish version of the book, ¡Imgínalo! are given first, followed by the authors of the English version, Imagine It!. I am using the Spanish accented letters in the Spanish title and its authors' names with no contractions. My question is whether contractions should be used in the names of both Spanish and English authors' schools, and in the names of the English authors.

    Autores del programa


    Arturo Abarca
    Los Angeles Unified School District

    Marco Domínguez
    East Los Angeles College

    Imagine It!

    Carl Bereiter, Ph.D.
    University of Toronto

    edited by vschlotfeldt on 1/25/2010

    Chris Clemens

    This book is NOT entirely in Spanish. The publishing and copyright information and information about the authors are all in English. It appears that the title of the book itself is also given in English. The rule in the NBA Interim Manual for Foreign Language Braille Trasncribing is very clear on this. See Section 2.2 Title pages. It states that if the title is given in the foreign language, it is brailled in that language with the accented letter symbols and no contracations. All the English, however, is contracted. If the book was produced by an English language or domestic publisher, the English publishing information is contracted. If the book was produced by a foreign publisher, ONLY the information pertaining to the publisher, i.e., city of publication, names of authors, etc are in the foreign language, using accented letters and uncontracted braille. Contracted braille is used for all other information on the title page.

    Check the publisher.

    Hope this helps. Consider sending a scan of the complete print title page and copyright information to clarify. It makes it easier if I can see what is being discussed.


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