Lesson 19.2f(1)

Home Forums English Braille American Edition Lesson 19.2f(1)

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #10869
    Chris Clemens

    We have a question regarding the use and non-use of the word “CONTENTS” in transcribing literary materials.

    Braille Formats Principle of Print to Braille, 1997, revised 2007, R2, §7b(1) states:

    b. Headings on the first page of a table of contents

    (1) On the first line (third line, if a running head is used), center the heading shown in print, e.g., What You Will Study. [If there is no print heading, center the word CONTENTS.]

    The opening paragraph of the Instruction Manual, Fifth Edition, 2009 states:

    Lesson 19
    Literary Braille Book Format
    Note: In anticipation of rule changes, the BANA board of directors has granted permission
    for preliminary pages to be prepared according to the rules as set forth in Braille Formats:
    Principles of Print to Braille Transcription. [Therefore, the rules in this lesson follow those
    of Braille Formats rather than EBAE]. Prepare the preliminary pages of your certification
    manuscript according to the following rules.

    Lesson 19.2f(1), page 19-10, third bulleted item is contrary to what Braille Formats instructs to do. This bulleted item states:

    • Line 3. The heading Contents is centered and follows print capitalization. Print should be followed if a different heading, such as Table of Contents, is used. [Do not add a heading if one is not shown in print].

    Are we to assume, since the Instruction Manual sets forth a specific directive to this issue, that we are to IGNORE the rules set forth in Braille Formats, and not add the word CONTENTS on the Table of Contents page if one does NOT appear in print, or does the Instruction manual have an error in it?


    I am looking into this, so that I can give you an official answer.


    Here is the response I received from Jennifer Dunnam.

    If the transcription is being prepared specifically for submission to the NLS course, then in the case of conflicts between the NLS manual and other code books, the directions in the NLS manual should be followed. If the transcriber has concern or doubt in a case like this, then the reason for the decision should be explained in the letter to the grader.

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