contracting word “enormous”

Home Forums English Braille American Edition contracting word “enormous”

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  • #11015
    Susan Baker

    Hi there!
    According to the Problem word section in the 2009 Literary Braille manual, the "en" in enormous is not used. It doesn't appear to be overlapping prefix/baseword. Is it to avoid difficult in pronunciation?


    What a wonderful question. I just always accepted that it was what it was. Honestly the en and ed contractions at the beginnings of words were always difficult for me to understand, so I just memorized them and stopped attempting to make logic out of it. But since you asked, I did a little research and found something on that might answer your question. The origin of enormous: Latin enormis, from e, ex (meaning: out of) + norma (meaning rule). So perhaps e is a prefix after-all. And that is the best I have for you, I hope it helps.

    Susan Baker

    Thanks!! That does help.

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