NBA Study Guide

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  • #11376
    Chris Clemens

    I am going throught the NBA Study Guide and I had a couple of questions on the Braille Bit for Section 2. In the Title section, Keystone is in full caps in print, but not in the braille.
    In the Publishers segment, is the reason that the city/state is not added because the Publisher, PearsonLongman, is not listed as such in print. (only Pearson Education is shown with an address in print)
    Also, why isn't the Publisher's URL shown?
    Thank you


    Thanks for sending us your question. It appears to be about the Formats Course. Cindi is out of town until Wednesday and doesn't have her course book with her. She's aware of your question and she'll address it when she gets back.



    The 'K' in Keystone is larger - thus the word in not in full caps in print (or in braille).

    Yes, you are correct about the city/state. We considered Pearson Longman as a separate entity from Pearson Education.

    The url SHOULD be shown. Line 7 should hold the publisher name and line 8 should have the url (using CBC code).


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