Boxes to be checked

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Boxes to be checked

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  • #27118
    Susan Baker

    Good morning,

    I have a math book which will be done using UEB with embedded Nemeth Code. For this project, it is expendable, and the student will be marking her answers directly on the braille page. For the page I have attached, there are check-off boxes. This part will be done in UEB, but I am not sure whether to use a double UEB dash (dots 6, 36, 6, 36), or an underscore. The student will be using a crayon to indicate her answer. BF, 10.5.1 suggests a double dash, but I didn't know whether this was information current to incorporate the UEB code. Thank you for any suggestions.


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    You should follow print and use the UEB symbol for a square (dots 1246, 3456, 145 with a grade 1 indicator in front of it).  The student can either circle the appropriate box or put a line through it or something.  UEB stresses following print, and since the check box is not a mathematical concept, you would not need to go into Nemeth to produce the check boxes.

    Formats 2011 is being updated for UEB and will recommend following print as per the UEB code.




    I have a follow up question using the same attachment above.

    When dealing with early grade materials where the shape indicator is not used, can we substitute the underscore for the boxes or should they be drawn as tactile graphics? What references should I look for?


    I'm sorry for the delay in answering. I did not see this.

    I am not sure what you mean by "where the shape indicator is not used".  Early learning materials says to draw the boxes. Check the Early Learning guidelines found on the BANA website.


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