Correspondence within document printed all blocked

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Correspondence within document printed all blocked

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  • #30262


    Let's say I have a document that is printed all left-flush, and I make the decision to use indented paragraphs in braille (i.e, I apply the Exception covered in BF2016 1.9.3). Then let's say that same document includes a boxed [or displayed] transcript of a letter, and all the components of that letter are printed left-flush (date, opening, body, closing, and signature). Lastly, let's say this document is not an instructional text on "how to format a letter".

    In this scenario, could you tell me which of the following you would recommend?

    1. format all components of the letter in 3-1
    2. format all components of the letter blocked  in 1-1, with blank lines between
    3. format the date as a cell-5 heading, the opening blocked, the body in 3-1, and the closing & signature as a two-line attribution.

    Thank you so much for sharing your insight into the intentions of BF2016.

    Kyle DeJute
    Braille Trainer at APH


    Upon polling the committee, most of us agree that your option 2 would be the best.  The text in the letter is outside of the "regular flow of text" (sort of like a figure or diagram would be).


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