comments w/displayed division in UEB w/Nemeth

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science comments w/displayed division in UEB w/Nemeth

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  • #30374
    Michael Gunner


    Not sure what the best way to handle this is (see sample). Thinking about placing comment after with embedded TN. Would love to get your input.

    Thank you,


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    Thank you for the sample, your suggestion, and the request for input.

    I believe I would do as you suggest, putting the author's comment outside the Nemeth switch indicators required for the spatial problem, with a TN embedded in the author's comment to tell the braille reader what is being referenced. For example,

    blah blah blah narrative text blah blah blah ⠸⠩

    <spatial probelm transcribed according to Nemeth Code rules>

    What does this number ⠈⠨⠣93 on last line of problem above⠈⠨⠜ tell us? ⠸⠩

    <spatial probelm transcribed according to Nemeth Code rules>

    What does this number ⠈⠨⠣10 on first line of problem above⠈⠨⠜ tell us?

    Thank you again for the question. I welcome any follow-up or feedback you have.

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