Adding braille to childrens' storybooks

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Adding braille to childrens' storybooks

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  • #32339
    Kristi Kerr

    I would like to know if there are specific rules (and where to find them) for adding braille to childrens' storybooks. I'm looking at using stick-on label sheets & want info about where to place labels, how to treat text in pictures, etc. Is there such information available? Thank you!


    There are no rules for print/braille books.  I have some suggestions, but that is all they are - suggestions.  I hope they help!  Cindi

    1.  Vary where you place the labels - this allows for less thickness for the book as a whole when it is done.  You can place the labels over text or pictures - wherever it seems most appropriate for the page.
    2. Round the corners of the labels - they don't get caught on things as easily and tend to stay on the page better.
    3. I'm not exactly sure what you mean for "text in pictures" but we will sometimes treat dialog as regular paragraphs or else do them as cartoons or picture captions - it really depends on what the print looks like.
    Kristi Kerr

    Thank you! The particular book being done has a page that refers to notes being left for someone. The notes are taped to a door in the picture on that page, but the notes aren't included in the text below the picture. I thought since they are referred to, the text in the notes should be you were on the right track.

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