Blank lines at the top of a braille page

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  • #33454

    <span style="font-size: medium;">5-7-19 </span>

    Subject: Braille Formats - blank lines at the top of a braille page.

    Dear Expert,

    BF requires a blank line before and after certain material (boxes, listsBF requires a blank line before and after certain material (boxes, lists

     If this type of material ends on the last line of a braille page, would the required following blank line carry over to the top of the next braille page?

    Note: the examples below use a running head.

     Example 1: If a box ends on line 25, would the following body paragraph begin on line 2 as shown, or should it be moved to line 3?

     Example 2: If a list ends on line 25, would the following body paragraph begin on line 2 as shown, or should it be moved to line 3?

     Would nonuse of a running head change the format?

    Thank you for your help.

    See attached

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    Using or not using a running head does not affect this issue.

    BF does not clearly state this principle (which we are in the process of fixing).  The answer is Yes.  If something ends on line 24 or 25 of a braille page that requires a blank line following it, that blank line would appear at the top of the next braille page.

    In Example 1 above, the body paragraph would begin on line 2 if no running head is used and on line 3 if a running head is used.

    Same for Example 2.


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