List starts on line 25, but one complete item follows a heading…

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  • #35564
    Christine Mulse

    Hi, I apologize if this has been answered, but due to the heading in this one I thought I'd ask.

    I'm proofing this, and I feel that this is a list starting on line 25, and can't happen. I suggested moving it to the next page, as a list can't start on line 25 (Rule 8.3.5c). The argument I'm getting, is that Rule 8.3.5d. Says a heading must be followed by at least one complete list item, which this is. I said I felt that 8.3.5d would be meant for a situation where the heading was, say, on line 20, and and there isn't room for a complete item before the page break...I see her point, technically in this example the heading is followed by one full listed item, but it is still a list starting on line 25 (my ultimate argument was to move it down to keep the list together, but I would like clarification on my first argument if possible lol).

    Thank you!

    C. Muise

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    I completely agree with your reasoning.  This is a list and the list cannot start on line 25.  The heading is part of it - but not part of the list itself.  8.3.5d IS, in fact, referring to when you have list items that take up more than one braille line.


    Christine Mulse

    Thank you! 🙂

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