Blanks filled in

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  • #36228
    Susan Baker


    Attached is a file with a example having the answer filled in the blank. It is for a UEB math worksheet for an early learner (no contractions), and I am trying to think of how to do it with as few font attributes as possible.  How would you show that this is a blank filled in?  Thank you.


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    Because it is for an early learner, I would use italics (the words are actually italicized) and then put a TN on the TN page that when a blank is filled in with an answer, italics are used and the blank is omitted.  Another option is to insert the blank and then put the answer in parentheses following the blank (be sure to keep at least one word of the answer on the same braille line as the blank).  This would also require a TN.  It would, however, be a better reminder for the reader of where the blank actually is.


    Susan Baker

    I like both of these suggestions, but may go with the second one.  Would I put a blank space after the underscore and before the parenthesis, or would it be unspaced? Thank you.


    My suggestion would be to put a space after the blank.


    Susan Baker

    Thank you for your help, Cindi.

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