Do I Need to Preserve Table Formatting

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Do I Need to Preserve Table Formatting

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    I'm sending the original .pdf I was e-mailed. I got it converted to Word. Do I need to preserve table formatting for the first table? If so, what is the best format to use?

    The assignment is  for a fifth- or sixth-grader. As a Braille reader, I personally would like to take it out of table format and use subheadings with 1-3 paragraphs. But this is not for me, so I want to abide by transcription and formatting rules, if possible.




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    I agree with you that the first table would be better as something other than a table. It's not really a table anyway - there is no relationship between columns OR rows.  You could do this as you suggested (subheading with paragraphs) or you could do it as a list.  Since the "headings" are fully capitalized, a 1-3 list would be fine - the capitalization is enough distinction.  Or you could do 1-5, 3-5 with the "heading" in 1 and the "definition" in 3.  Any of these would work - just be consistent.


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