Reply To: Viola Shift

Home Forums Music Braille Viola Shift Reply To: Viola Shift

Lucas Timpe

Hey Kathleen,


Thank you for your response.


We did run into a couple of other questions.


  1. I ran into a situation with the shift. I have been placing the shift symbol after the first of the 2 notes as you would with a glissando. In this situation though, the note marked with the shift is after the backwards repeat sign in the continuation of measure 7. Would I then still place the shift after the G half at the beginning of measure 7, or would this confuse the reader with the repeat? Would it be appropriate to move the shift to before the B quarter in the 2<sup>nd</sup> part of measure 7?


2. Another situation I have is an arrow they are using in this book to represent the high or low finger pattern. Do you have any         suggestions on how to handle this that doesn’t interrupt the music too much? Often times, the arrows are in conjunction with a finger        number.

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