Assistance–tutoring for NBA Braille Transcriber Certification

Home Forums Unified English Braille Literary Assistance–tutoring for NBA Braille Transcriber Certification

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  • #39957
    Paulo Solis


    I could use a tutor--assistance. I am currently enrolled in NFB Transcriber's UEB Course and at the last assignment (lesson 19) of the program, before submit my manuscript. I have been having a difficult time advancing from this lesson. I wondered if there is someone who could help me with this lesson, or perhaps, if there are nay particular resource I could be referred to.


    Paulo Solis


    Good afternoon, Paulo,

    What specifically are you having issues with? This board is for questions related to Unified English Braille, however, with regards to certification, we can aonly refer you to the rules. If I knew specifically what areas you are having difficulty with, I would better be able to assist you with the resources you may need. Can you elaborate spcifically for me? I'll do what I can to assist.

    Thank you,


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