Inserted pages

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Inserted pages

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  • #40070
    Barbara Tyson


    I am transcribing Reading a-z books. Most of the braille will fit on the page with embossable paper, with the print page number indicated on the bottom right side of the book.

    There are instances when I am having to put some paper inserts within the same volume. The transcriber previous to me did not add page numbers to these inserts. Should page numbers be added to these inserted pages? Eg. a3, b3

    Thank you for your time,

    Barb Tyson


    I'm sorry for the delay in answering - I've been out of town and this got "lost" in my email!

    If you are talking about print/braille type books (where the print and braille occupy the same page in most cases) then no, you would not add page numbers to any inserted pages.


    Barbara Tyson

    Thank you!

    Is this information that I missed in the Formats book, or is this something that a more experienced transcriber would just know?



    Braille Formats doesn't address print/braille books at all.


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