Strophic songs

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  • #40905
    Anne Lattanzi

    If the piece must be transcribed from "beginning to end, just as it will be performed" (MBC-2015, chapter 26 introduction), is it correct to give page numbering for the entire piece (i.e. 7-10) since the transcription is not ordered as in print?

    Second, if a strophic song has an introduction, is the use of measure numbers sufficient to alert the braille musician that verse 1 has begun, or should a T.N. be added?


    If I am transcribing repeats in full and going back to previous pages, I usually use the page turn indicators with the appropriate page numbers in the music line. It's tough to give an example without a print reference, but let's say you've Brailled to page 10 where the repeat is shown in print and you need to go back to page 7. I will leave the page numbering at the top to show we've gotten to page 10, but I will show dots 2, 52 and the number 7 to indicate the music is returning to page 7. Then I'll show the page turns and numbers as they come in the music line and change the top page number only when we get to page 11.

    Does that make any sense?!

    As for introductions, you'll need to show the measures of rest the singer has to count, even if they aren't singing, so they will know exactly where and when to come in. A TN shouldn't be needed.

    All the best!



    Anne Lattanzi

    Thank you, the first answer is pretty clear.

    Sorry if I was vague with the second question, to clarify; a strophic song has a vocal part in the introduction. How best to indicate the beginning of the verse?

    Thanks again for all your help, Annie.


    Sorry Annie!

    I was not alerted that there was a follow-up message!

    I think the measure numbers would suffice for the beginning of the verse. I don't think a TN is necessary.


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