Utilizing the Nemeth Indicator in Number Lines and Dot Plots

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Utilizing the Nemeth Indicator in Number Lines and Dot Plots

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  • #42457
    Soo Ja Kim

    If there are only numbers without any mathematical symbols, should we still use the Nemeth indicator when depicting number lines and dot plots?



    Per Unit 6 (it's stated in the intro among other places) of the Tactile Graphics guidelines, the numeric indicator is not used for labels in number lines and dot plots.

    Cindi (for Lindy)

    Soo Ja Kim

    Thank you for your answer, my question is, under what conditions are the Nemeth open and close indicators (not numeric indicator) used on number lines or dot plots? Thank you in advance!


    Sorry! I read numeric indicator when you said Nemeth indicator! 🙂

    Number lines are always done in Nemeth.


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