
Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Disclaimer

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  • #43120
    Lindy Walton

    Hi Connie.

    I am looking for guidance regarding placement of a disclaimer. Braille Formats does not mention disclaimers; the UEB lesson manual does. The advice in the lesson manual differs somewhat from the advice given in Braille Formats regarding the p pages. Here is what I have found:

    Lesson manual 19.2b(8) Disclaimer. If a book contains a statement that the characters and/or places in the story are purely fictional, include this statement in the braille version at the beginning of the preliminary pages, in the first volume only. If there is room, the disclaimer can be placed on the same page as the cover/jacket material or the reviews, separated from them by a blank line.

    Braille Formats 2.7.1.a says "Each item in the front matter begins on a new braille page." 2.7.1.d says "Follow print for page order in all volumes."

    What do you advise regarding placement? For clarity, would you add a heading (between TN symbols) if the statement follows something else such as cover material or reviews. In such cases I don't feel a blank line alone is enough separation.

    Thank you.

    Lindy Walton, and the transcribers at Braille Library and Transcribing Services, Inc.

    Connie Stone


    I see these disclaimers "hidden" often on the copyright pages.

    I would follow print placement. If the disclaimer is in with other information on the cover jacket material it would be helpful to add a heading to set it apart. When rule 2.7.1a states each item begins on a new braille page, that would be the front or back cover material starting on a new page, so if there was a lot of material on the jacket, it could be overlooked.

    If it is not cover jacket material, then follow print placement and it would start on a new braille page. A heading would not be necessary since the new page would set it apart. Sometimes I see Disclaimer in bold.

    Hope this helps,


    Lindy Walton

    Okay, thanks.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "it could be overlooked."

    Connie Stone


    Sorry about the confusion with "overlooked". You had mentioned the disclaimer following other material and reviews. I was referring to adding a heading would separate it from being other reviews.

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