I need clarification on the part a typeform indicator plays concerning whether or not a lower sign can be contracted.
In 15.1D of the Instruction Manual for Braille Transcription 2015 it says,
“The wordsigns for be, his, was, and were cannot be in
direct contact with any lower punctuation, even if the presence of
typeform indicators adds upper dots to what would otherwise be a
sequence with all lower dots. Disregard both capital and typeform
indicators when determining whether to use these lower wordsigns.”
An example in the UEB Rulebook under 10.5.1 seems, at least to me, to contradict this.
“<u>Was</u> that <u>his</u> car?”
8_1,0 t _18 c>80
If I’m understanding IMBT 15.1d “Was” should not be contracted because the lower wordsign cannot contact lower punctuation, and the upper dot in the typeform doesn’t affect lower wordsign usage. But in the Rulebook example the lower wordsign is contracted.
I’m thoroughly confused.