Sig Code

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  • #43242
    Michael Gunner

    Good evening,

    Having a disagreement on the correct way to transcribed a doctor's sig code in a pharmacy book. Specifically, Q12H, q12h, and q8h. The confusion is in whether of not these types of codes should be transcribed in UEB as shown in print or in UEB with spaces in accordance to the rule 10.6.1 of the Nemeth code.

    Would appreciate the committee's input.

    Thank you!


    Lindy Walton

    Interesting. Sig codes are not mathematical; do not apply the mathematical spacing rules mentioned in NC 10.6.1. Following the rules outlined in NC 10.2 regarding a non-mathematical series of numbers/letters, your examples will be transcribed in UEB, spaced as printed (unspaced).


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