Virtual Training: Nemeth Code Update

Join us in May for an in-depth training on the Nemeth Code Update that you’ll be able to attend from anywhere in the world!

After our full-day training in Colorado Springs on this topic last fall proved to be popular, we’ve made some moves to make the training available online so anyone can attend from anywhere and get that same important information. We’ve reformulated that full day of Nemeth training into a few sessions.

Lindy Walton teaching the Nemeth Code Update in Colorado Springs. October 2024.


In three sessions, we will take a close look at the 2022 edition of The Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation, examining the changes implemented since the adoption of UEB. In Session One, we will walk through each rule noting differences from the 1972 edition of the Nemeth code. Session Two will introduce the rules regarding code switching. Session Three will illustrate the new rules with numerous examples. We look forward to taking you on a tour of the new Nemeth code.

Presenter: Lindy Walton, Member, NBA Nemeth Code for Math and Science Committee


The six-hour training is divided into three two-hour long sessions with the following schedule:

  • Part I – Wednesday, May 7th from 11:00a to 1:00p
  • Part II – Wednesday, May 14th from 11:00a to 1:00p
  • Part III – Wednesday, May 21st from 11:00a to 1:00p


The cost of registration includes the full six-hour training and a completion certificate for one person.

  • NBA members: $100 + service fees
  • NON-member: $150 + service fees

For those watching as a group, you can purchase additional copies of the materials at $5.00 per person and additional certificates at $2.50 per person.

Payments can be made with credit card when you register, or by Purchase Order.

How To Register

To register, please visit this link. Near the start of the registration you’ll select whether or not you’re a current NBA member. If you’re unsure that your membership is current you can login to your membership account to check, or contact our office and we’ll help.