As President of the National Braille Association, I’d first like to give a HUGE thank you to our volunteers and donors. This wonderful organization reaches so many and affects lives so fully, but we couldn’t do it without your support! I’d also like to thank our Executive Director, David Shaffer, and Past Presidents who have helped me along my journey in the NBA to this position.
I have many ideas running through my head to help move the National Braille Association into the Third Century of Braille and head toward our own 80th anniversary as an organization committed to educating
those in America who produce braille. I will work with our staff and our volunteer Board of Directors to fulfill as many of those ideas as possible.
I am particularly passionate about music braille, supporting and improving prison braille programs, and working to raise Three Million Dollars for NBA so we can do as much as possible to support our members and to keep costs low.

As Executive Director it is my pleasure to work closely with the Board of Directors, members, volunteers, and staff.
I have come to realize how important the NBA’s services are to braille transcribers and readers. It is a great honor to represent the NBA in the many ways I have been asked to serve. The dedicated Board of Directors, the staff, and many volunteers are the heart of this outstanding organization.
The National Braille Association seeks to enhance and expand the services we offer. I encourage our members and our website visitors to submit new ideas and suggestions. Contact me.
The members of the NBA Board of Directors and members of Skills Committees are all volunteers who are committed to supporting the organization and its mission. They participate in:
The Board invites members who are interested in serving to contact either the Skills Committee Chair or any member of the Board of Directors.
PRESIDENT - Patrick Janson (Ohio)
PRESIDENT ELECT - Cindi Laurent (Minnesota)
VICE PRESIDENT - Cindy Olmstead (Michigan)
SECRETARY - Kathleen Cantrell (New York)
TREASURER - Kyle DeJute (Kentucky)
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT - Jana Hertz (California)
ELECTED MEMBER FROM THE BOARD - Anna Werner (Minneapolis)
Jan Carroll (Kentucky)
Kyle DeJute (Kentucky)
Betty Marshall (Canada)
Donald Winiecki (Idaho)
Braille Formats/Textbook: Michael Gunner, OH, Chair
Makes available to transcribers and instructors of braille transcribing interpretations and usage based on rules contained in the official braille codes as they pertain to the transcription of textbook materials. Also develops and implements the self-study NBA Braille Formats Study Guide and conducts the examination leading to certification as a braille textbook transcriber.
Computer-Assisted Transcription: James Williams, IN, Chair
Makes available information concerning the techniques required for preparing braille with the assistance of a personal computer, and keeps transcribers informed of new developments in the field.
Music Braille: Kathleen Cantrell, NY, Chair
Makes available to transcribers and instructors of braille transcribing interpretations and usages based on rules contained in the official braille codes and all subsequent materials approved by the Braille Authority of North America as they pertain to the transcription of music.
Nemeth Code for Math and Science: Cindi Laurent, MN, Chair
Makes available to transcribers and to instructors of braille transcribing, interpretations and examples based on the Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation, the Nemeth-based Chemistry Code, and the Guidance documents from BANA for using these codes within UEB contexts, including special formats and code switches.
Tactile Graphics: Donald Winiecki, ID, Chair
Makes available information concerning the equipment and techniques required for the production of tactile graphics, and keeps tactile graphics producers informed of good practice and new developments in the field.
Unified English Braille Literary: Julie Sumwalt, WI, Chair
Makes available to transcribers, and to instructors of braille transcribing, interpretations and examples based on the rules of Unified English Braille.
Unified English Braille Technical Material: Kyle DeJute, KY, Chair
Makes available to transcribers and to instructors of braille transcribing, interpretations and examples based on the rules of Unified English Braille and on the UEB-based Guidelines for Technical Material.
World Languages Braille: Anna Werner, MN, Chair
Makes available to transcribers and instructors of braille transcribing interpretations and usages based on rules contained in the official braille codes as they pertain to the transcription of languages other than English.
NBA’s Representative to the BANA Board of Directors: Diane Spence, TX
Accessibility Committee: Tom Babinszki, OH, Chair
Advocates for, develops, and implements accessibility standards and practices that ensure NBA’s programs, services, and operations are inclusive of all individuals.
Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures: Jan Carroll, KY, Chair
Reviews, frames, and proposes amendments to the NBA Bylaws and to the Policies and Procedures in accordance with actions taken by the Board of Directors. The committee also interprets these documents.
Bulletin Editor: Betty Marshall, Canada, Chair
Is responsible for the production of the Bulletin – NBA’s quarterly membership publication, produced digitally and in print and braille. The Bulletin contains articles about new materials and equipment, modification of braille codes, skills columns, tips to transcribers, and news of activities of interest to the membership.
Meetings: Jana Hertz, CA, Chair
Identifies sites for NBA professional development conferences, establishes local contacts, if available, and coordinates the details of the meetings.
Nominating: Jana Hertz, CA, Chair
Presents a slate of candidates for offices and directorships to be elected at each Annual Membership Meeting, and submits to the board of directors names of candidates to fill vacancies occurring in the interim between Annual Membership Meetings.
Online Learning: David Shaffer, NY, Chair
Plans, implements and evaluates high-quality educational offerings that are delivered via webinar.
Planning and Program Development: Cindi Laurent, MN, Chair
Devises long-range plans for the Association and reviews specific projects.
Prison Braille: Cindy Olmstead, MI, Chair
Makes available information and resources for administrators and corrections officials of prison braille programs. Providing advocacy, inclusion, communication, knowledge, and experience in starting up and operating a prison braille program, and information sharing/gathering as it affects the incarcerated men and women braille transcribers.
Publications: Betty Marshall, Canada, Chair
Examines for content, format, and style any educational materials such as guidelines, manuals, and lessons developed for publication.
Skills Coordinator: Cindy Olmstead, MI, Chair
Coordinates the activities of the skills committees.
Transcriber and Educator Services: Jan Carroll, KY, Chair
Provides education and timely information to volunteer groups and educators of persons who are visually impaired.