Announcing the 2020 Professional Development Conference Schedule
As promised, we’ve been working around the clock to make this year’s virtual conference in November as special as possible. The conference this year will be an entire week because we’re conducting one workshop at a time, rather than simultaneously.
If you’re just hearing about the conference for the first time, you’ll want to check this announcement that has a bit more info. In that message, we said that we’d be announcing the schedule of workshops in a few weeks, and that time has come.
We’re ready to share it!
Please visit the Professional Development Conference page on our website, and scroll down to the schedule. There, you’ll see listed for each day the subject area, time (all times are Eastern Time Zone), and the title of the workshop.
Then beside that list, you’ll see an accordion list you can click to expand, which will give you a description of each workshop and the presenter’s name.

How To Register
Remember, the conference is open to anyone at no cost this year, but you will still need to register. You’ll need to sign up individually for each workshop that you want to attend.
Registration isn’t quite ready yet, but we’re working on it. You don’t need to worry about that yet, there’s plenty of room in each workshop. In the meantime, checkout the schedule of workshops to help you plan your week!