March 2020 Webinars
We’ve lined up a whole bunch of online learning opportunities for the month of March! During this month, we’ll be presenting six different webinars that are entirely free for anyone to attend. These short webinars usually last about 15 minutes and don’t require any registration. Anyone with an internet connection is welcome to join in.…
Read MoreNew Training Video: UEB Provisional Guidance Walkthrough
In November 2019 BANA published the Provisional Guidance for Transcribing Mathematics in UEB document on their website. As it was brand new and sure to leave many with questions, we conducted a webinar the following month that walked attendees through the entire document. As the chair of our Unified English Braille Technical Material committee, Kyle…
Read MoreFebruary 2020 Webinars
We’re ready to launch month two in the year 2020 and have lined up five webinars to help you learn more in February. In addition, we’re adding one to help get you familiar with how certain functions on our website work. Each of the webinars this month are free for anyone to attend and will…
Read MoreJanuary 2020 Webinars
In starting off the New Year, we’re adding a couple additional opportunities for you to jump in with some online learning this month. Each of the below webinars is entirely free and open to anyone with an internet connection. To join us live for any of the webinars listed here, just click the link below…
Read MoreDecember 2019 Webinars
To wrap up a year of online learning we’re going to celebrate the month of December with five different webinars! We’ll have our usual Formats Friday covering part of the Braille Formats code, and our usual Music Mondays that will cover part of the Music Braille Code. Then we’re adding a Foreign Language webinar, a…
Read MoreNovember 2019 Webinars
We may be winding down from our conference in Phoenix, but we’re winding up with our webinar schedule! Whether or not you’re a member, as long as you have an internet connection you can join in at any time to our free webinars. They last around 15 minutes or so, and provide an opportunity to…
Read MoreOctober 2019 Webinars
We’re hoping that you’re among those who will be joining us for our 2019 Professional Development Conference in Phoenix this month. If you’re not able to be with us but still want to learn a few new transcription tricks, the October webinar lineup is now officially announced! We did shift a few dates for the…
Read MoreSeptember 2019 Webinars
Join us in September for two free webinars! We’ll be hosting our monthly Formats Friday webinar on September 6, and our monthly Music Mondays webinar on September 16. These short free webinars are free to both NBA members and the public. They’re intended to be a brief look into a specific area of transcription and…
Read MoreFree Webinar: BrailleBlaster In-Depth
One of the newest braille translation software programs to hit computers is a free program called BrailleBlaster, developed by American Printing House for the Blind (APH). BrailleBlaster was designed to assist transcribers working primarily on textbooks, and provides a platform for automating many basic transcription functions, but provides advanced tools as well. On Tuesday, August…
Read MoreAugust 2019 Webinars
Formats Friday: Wide TablesPresenter: Cindi LaurentFriday, August 2, 2019 at 1:00p EST Description: Wide table formats will be discussed using several examples of different types of tables. We will discuss which method of transcription works best for which type of table and how that decision is made. TO JOIN Please join from your computer, tablet…
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