Algebraic Proof with Steps and Reasons

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Algebraic Proof with Steps and Reasons

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    I have a proof with steps and reasons. My question is this.  The Steps are the equations and the Reasons are fill in the blank. I am using Nemeth within UEB Context guidelines. Do I enclose the entire proof in switch indicators or just the equations and how do I show the fill in the blanks?


    Lindy Walton

    Hi Jan.

    If the Reasons are just a blank to be filled in, place the opening Nemeth Code indicator in cell 1 on the line before "1S" and braille the entire proof in Nemeth, using the "long dash" of the Nemeth Code (36, 36, 36, 36) in the numbered "R" entries.

    If the "Reasons" column contains words as well as blanks to be filled in, you will need to switch codes as needed, following the list format described in Sec.194. It is not necessary for the "#S" and "#R" identifiers to be in the same code.

    The alternating "S" "R" format outlined in Sec.194 is only a suggestion. If another format makes more sense in your particular proof, by all means try it. I can provide ideas if you attach an image of the print page.



    Thanks Lindy.  I will give your way a try.  My main concern was having too many switches but since the 1S and 1R do not need to be Nemeth then I will proceed.

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