Alignment of arrows

Home Forums Unified English Braille Technical Alignment of arrows

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  • #43219
    Melissa Caldwell

    Hi Kyle,

    I was recently asked a question about the alignment of an arrow. I was also asked if there is a rule for this. I am attaching the information and the problem that was being looked at. Is there a rule on the way the arrow should be aligned and if so, what is the rule?

    "I noticed that the arrow pointing to the 2 is left aligned with the numeric indicator, which makes the directional portion of the arrow point at a blank cell. It is pretty clear that it is pointing to the 2, but I was curious what the rules say about alignment of arrows, so I looked for something specific in RUEB and Technical materials and so far have been unable to find anything definitive regarding how arrows are supposed to be aligned with the elements to which they point."

    Thank you!


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    Thank you for sharing your question, including pictures of the print and your proposed braille! The committee is now discussing it.

    For now, please let me ask: Are tactile arrows a possibility in this transcription?


    Melissa Caldwell

    In this transcription, tactile arrows are a possibility because we do have graphics for some of the other math that is being transcribed.



    It is great news that tactile graphic arrows are a possibility for this transcription.

    The committee believes strongly that brailled arrows are confusing in this situation. Tactile graphic arrows would much better fulfil the role of the arrows here, which is to connect a label to a specific piece of the math expression.

    The attached image shows one possible way of placing/arranging the arrows, the expression's pieces, and the labels.

    That possible transcription includes a transcriber's note that says, "The equation is shown twice in braille: once without labels and again with labels."

    Then the equation (2×_ = _) is brailled on its own line. Next comes a blank line. Then the labels ("cups each day", "days in 2 weeks", and "total cups") are brailled on one line, with two blank cells between the labels. The labels are followed by two lines where the arrows are drawn, all pointing straight downward to the line where the equation is brailled again spaced out horizontally so that the arrows can point from each label to the relevant part of the equation.

    Please let us know if you have follow-up questions or notes!

    –Kyle and NBA's UEB Technical Material Committee

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    Melissa Caldwell

    Thank you Kyle and NBA's UEB Technical Material Committee! I appreciate your help.

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