Analog Clock in Nemeth Transcription

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Analog Clock in Nemeth Transcription

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  • #42676

    When within a Nemeth transcription is there a rule dictating that all analog clocks and graphs (other than cartesian) to be in Nemeth?
    Or is it preferred to be transcribed in UEB when no Nemeth symbols are used? We were unable to find anything specific to this.


    Thank you for your time.

    Lindy Walton

    Analog clocks are represented with a tactile graphic. Details are given in Section 6.1 of Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2022. Since the numeric indicator is not used on analog clocks ( the clock face numbers will essentially look the same in either code.

    Does this answer your question? I will check with the Tactile Graphics committee to see if I have overlooked anything.

    - Lindy

    Lindy Walton

    Lucas, I would like to update my response with this quote from the beginning of Unit 6 of Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2022, page 6-2.

    “When no technical notation is present on the tactile graphic (e.g., only unmodified numbers and/or letters as defined in the Nemeth Code), the tactile graphic should be prepared in UEB.”

    Example 6—11 (page 6-73) shows a graph for which there is no need to switch to Nemeth because it contains only unmodified numbers. The transcription of that graph is on page 6-75.

    If your transcription contains stem-and-leaf plots, please also note the following from Section 6.14. "When transcribing using UEB with Nemeth, all stem-and-leaf plots must be transcribed within Nemeth switch indicators even though the numbers may not be modified."

    - Lindy




    Perfect, thank you Lindy!

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