Applying BF 1.9.5

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  • #43325
    Amber Goodine

    I am transcribing a novel that occasionally changes storyline mid-chapter. This break in context is noted by a blank line, bold heading, blank line, three flourishes, blank line.

    I can see multiple ways to handle this but I am not sure which would be the most accurate and clear.

    a) Bold heading as a centered heading (blank lines before and after), centered series of three transcriber-defined symbols for the flourishes, no blank line, continuation of text. This is my top pick but takes up the most space. Would a note on the TN page stating "Three unspaced first transcriber-defined symbols denotes a change in context." be advised?

    b) Omit the flourishes as purely visual and make the bold heading a centered heading. Blank lines before and after create the break in context but may be confused with chapter headings which are just a number.

    c) Bold heading as a cell 5 heading (blank line before) followed by a centered series of three transcriber-defined symbols for the flourishes, no blank line, continuation of text. This takes up the least amount of space but I'm not sure a cell 5 heading is the most accurate.

    Connie Stone


    The flourishes are visual  and can be omitted. From what you have wrote, these are mid-chapter headings so they would be cell 5 headings. The blank line before the cell 5 heading along with the cell 5 heading is sufficient to show a break in context while maintaining a flow of text.

    Keep up the good work,


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