Atomic Orbitals

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Atomic Orbitals

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  • #33712

    This is an excerpt from a Chemistry book I am currently transcribing:

    As shown in Table 5.1, the numbers and types of atomic orbitals depend on the principle energy level. The lowest principle energy level (n = 1) has only one sublevel, called 1sThe second principle energy level (n = 2) has two sublevels, 2s and 2p. …

    Do the sublevels of the atomic orbitals ( highlighted) need to be in Nemeth?  It isn’t really math, it is more like a label.  There are a lot of these within the text of this book and it seems as if it would be unnecessary to switch in and out of Nemeth for them unless they are talking about the number of electrons at that sublevel and it then needs a superscript.  Also, could the italics be ignored if it doesn’t need to be in Nemeth.




    Orbital names such as 1s, 2s, 2p, etc. do not require Nemeth Code. In addition, we do not retain italics for the letters in orbital names. As you say, wherever a superscript is included, Nemeth Code is certainly required (with italics still ignored).


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by kdejute. Reason: answer confirmed; language changed to reflect that
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