Blank Lines in Linear/Spatial arrangement

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  • #10971
    Chris Clemens

    In an equation that contains fractions with cancelations (must be brailled spatially for that portion) but the other components can be brailled linearly. Is the entire equation considered spatial and a blank line preceeds and follows it? Or does only the spatial part (fraction)of the equation require blank lines before and after it?

    Ex: Are blank lines needed on lines 4 and 17?

    Thank you!

    Lindy Walton

    This will be a quick reply as I am away from my computer and resources but note that cancellations in fractions need not be spatially arranged when following the Chemistry Code. You may braille these fractions linearly.

    [Note that *if you were to braille them spatially, the numerators should be centered over the fraction line.]

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