Blank space following equal sign

Home Forums Unified English Braille Technical Blank space following equal sign


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  • #42584
    Connie Stone


    If you have an equation

    2+2 =

    where there is nothing following the equal sign, is it left blank? I am unable to find an example. The examples where a visual space symbol is used appears they are used as a place holder. I have also heard to follow Braille Formats 10.6.1 and put 3 dot 5s but these equations are not in a sentence which would be in line with the Braille Formats.

    I have these equations both as displays and running lists of equations that end with the equal sign followed by the blank space.

    Thank you



    Thank you for your question!

    For a "nothingness" like that which follows the equals in "2+2 = ", UEB does not tell us to use a visible space indicator (or anything else). So, I strongly advocate for following print and simply not putting anything.

    #b"6#b "7

    I would do this whether the expression were embedded within text or displayed or part of a series of expressions.

    Again, thank you for the question. Please let me know if you need more information or have follow-up questions!


    Connie Stone

    Thank you Kyle, I am glad you included even when embedded within text in your answer because even though that has not occurred for me yet, that would have been a follow-up question.



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