Bowing questions

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    Curious about bowing and repeats.

    Are bowing signs included in part-measure repeats? For example, if I have: down bow / note with a lot of extra information / down bow / identical note situation. Does a repeat include the down-bow, or should it be stated before the repeat?

    In larger repeats, if there are bowing signs the first time around and not the second time around, does that mean a repeat can't be used?  I was originally thinking of bowing signs as similar to fingerings (like an aid to the musician), but I suppose it's more stylistic than that.


    Hi Anna,

    Yes, Bowing signs are included in repeats.

    And I consulted with a cellist for whom I transcribe and she says it is perfectly acceptable to use a repeat when the second occurrence has no bowing indicators when the original passage did. So think of it the same way as fingerings.

    Hope that helps!


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