Boxes in line-numbered text

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  • #38214
    Christina Conroy

    Hi there,

    If a box appears in the midst of line-numbered text, but is not itself line-numbered, can it use line 25? I believe it can, but I wanted to be sure. (For the record I am maintaining the 2-cell margin on the R with the box lines and the boxed material - just in case you were curious.) 🙂



    Christina Conroy

    Oh... also meant to ask, can stage directions use line 25 in line-numbered verse plays? They're not line numbered, so again I think yes.



    I agree with your suggestion that these two types of material (boxes and stage directions) which are NOT line numbered but appear WITHIN line numbered text CAN use line 25. See BF 15.3.1.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by claurent.
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