Braille Format

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  • #43278
    The team and I are having a hard time deciding what to do in the case of digital article identifiers or notations. In the example below is how it appears in print.  No spaces after the semicolon or comma.
    Human Psychology 2019;1(2),e206-300
    This is in the "Reference section", at the end of the article.  This is the year it was published; the volume number, and the page numbers as to where to find the referenced material, that was drafted from the complete book.
    The question is in braille do we include a space after the punctuation or follow print?
    Thank You in advance for your response.
    Connie Stone

    Hello Pamela,

    Follow print with spacing and punctuation for these type of references.

    Thank you for a great question,



    Thank you for your response.

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