Braille Formats -Blank lines with page change indicators in double-spaced books

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Braille Formats -Blank lines with page change indicators in double-spaced books

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  • #42625
    Mary Mosley

    We are currently transcribing a series of first grade books and have a question concerning guideline 6 in the BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille.

    When a cell-5 heading follows a page change indicator in the middle of a Braille page is it preceded by two blank lines as outlined in section 6.1.1? Or, does 6.1.3 apply which states, "One blank line is inserted before and after a page change indicator?"

    Up till now we have done the latter, treating 6.1.3 as an exception to the rule and used only one blank line before and after page change indicators regardless of the material preceding or following them. Is this correct?


    Follow 6.1.1 and put two blank lines between a page change indicator and a centered heading.


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