Breaks in text and blocked paragraphs:

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Breaks in text and blocked paragraphs:

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  • #39861
    Mary Mosley

    IMBT 19.1e ... Do not leave a blank line either before or after the line containing the series of asterisks. ...

    Braille formats 4.3.4 A heading is preceded by a blank line when it follows a page change indicator.

    Example 1: A blocked paragraph following a page change indicator.

    "o _h an iron gate ) ! ov]h1d 9scrip;n3
    ,,,>beit ma*t frei4,' ,"w makes y free4
    "9 "9 "9

    ,,f/ ,,impres.n3 bett] ?an ,birk5au4
    ,ce;t build+s ) two /ories r ?an wood5

    Example 2: A blocked paragraph following a break in text.

    ,two p to a bunk4 ,gd ni<t40
    ,^? 7 ! f/ human ^ws4
    "9 "9 "9
    ,,,no soon] _h we climb$,' 9to ,\r bunks
    ?an we fell 9to a deep sleep4

    Are these examples correct?


    First. Sorry for the delay in responding. Our site is having issues.

    Then...I can't see the braille so I can't really answer. But if I understand your question... The asterisks don't require a blank line, but the blocked paragraph, heading, and break in context do. So yes, a blank line is required... Not because of the asterisks but because of the other stuff.

    If I did not understand correctly, let me know and I'll try again. 😁


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