Broken Number Line

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Broken Number Line

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  • #28741

    I have been searching to find out the proper way to show a number line that has been "broke" to jump to the numbers where data is present.  The print has two slashes with a gap between them. Would I add slashes on the number line as well.  I have attached the worksheet for you to look at.  The video that they watch along with the worksheet specifically talks about it so I want to make sure I am brailling it correctly.  Thanks!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Tabitha.
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    I'm afraid that your WORD file did not upload, because it exceeds the allowed file size for this forum.

    In addition, could you please let me know if you are transcribing the worksheet using only UEB, or are you using Nemeth within UEB?

    Thank you.




    Hi Kyle,

    I had resent the file and it acted as though it went through the second time.  I will try it again. I am transcribing it as Nemeth within UEB. Thanks!

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    Thank you for following up and clearing things up.

    In response to your question, a tactile graphic would likely give the most clear representation of a broken number line. However, if you must use braille cells, I would suggest the configuration in the image attached (in which slashes are used to represent the break in the line) paired with a transcriber's note stating something to the effect of "diagonal slashes / indicate a break in the number line" (It would be ideal to use wording from the video you mention).

    Thank you again for your question. And keep on rocking the transcription!


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