Bulletin NBA

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  • #11552
    Chris Clemens

    In your Bulletin Fall 2013 Volume 49, Number 3 page 12 it is written 5. Choose the BANA Nemeth Template. I do not have that choice in the list! I've only "English (American Textbook DE) - BANA Nemeth" is it the same?
    I've Duxbury 11.1 SR4

    Can you help me please?



    The template full name is English American Textbook DE BANA Nemeth. My BANA Nemeth template is directly under the one named English American Textbook DE BANA. It appears you are using the older template for textbooks prior to the incorporation of the BANA Templates. If you cannot see it in the list then perhaps you have chosen in the past to hide these templates. Choose to unhide hidden templates and see if you see it.

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