Cancellation indicators and abbreviations

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  • #11802

    In the math example below should there be a space "before and after" the abbreviations that are within cancellation indicators?
    Note: The L (for liters) is shown as cancelled in print.

    4 L x 5 L .k ----

    Would it be done this way: #4 [;,l] @*5 [;,l] .k ----
    Blank spaces before and after the cancellation indicators.


    #4[;,l]@*5[;,l] .k ----
    No blank spaces before or after the cancellation indicators (except before the equal sign).

    Thank you


    Thank you for your question.

    I believe your first suggested transcription is the correct one, with spaces before and after the cancellation indicators, because spaces are required around an abbreviation (they just have to be polite and stand outside the cancellation indicator and its terminator. This makes reading the equation more intuitive.).

    Please see the update to the Nemeth Code that deals with this: [url=]link[/url].




    Smile... thank you so much for clearing that up for me.


    My pleasure! (I was just re-reading that Nemeth update, and your question helped to solidify it in my brain. So, thank you.)

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