The last information I have about graphing calculator screens in a math book is that we are supposed to use Nemeth and not CBC or anything else. However, I believe we are supposed to follow the print capping and spacing to reflect the reality of the screen.
I have the following - Y = A+BLNX The ln is an abbreviation for a natural logarithm. If this equation were not shown on the calculator screen, the ln would not be in caps and there would be a space before the X.
As it is, I wonder how to cap it. If I put a cap indicator before each of the letters, this make nonsense of the LN because each of the two letters does not have a separate identity.
But I cannot see putting a cap in front of the B followed by a double cap in front of the LN and then another cap before the X.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for all the help you have given to me and others this year. May you go from strength to strength in the year to come.
TIA bt