Centered Lines

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  • #30038

    In the attachment, the wording of the notice is centered in print. Should these lines also be centered in braille? It seems intuitive to do so, but I'm not aware of a braille rule that warrants centering in this case since it's not a heading. Another option is to treat them as multiple displayed sentences and therefore format them in 3-5 (Braille Formats Example 9-4 in 9.2.2.e).

    Thank you for your help.

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    The print centering is intended to simulate a poster or sign (as I am sure you are aware).  It's a visual thing and should not be replicated in braille.  In this case, what is important is what the sign is saying.  You have two options (as I see it).  You can box it (to set it off from the text more) and then do the first line as a heading and the rest as either a list or a paragraph...Or you can treat it as displayed, again with a heading and a list or paragraph (with adjusted margins).


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