Braille Formats 2016 8.6.2 shows the following symbol for the checkmark: "% (Not sure why Simbraille won't show, but you get the idea.) UEB says this symbol is the radical without vinculum (p. 305 in Rules of Unified English Braille).
A new UEB symbol for the checkmark is shown on the UEB web page at
3.28 NEW UEB symbol for the check mark (Change as of April 18, 2018)
Use for ✓ (U+2713) and (U+1f5f8).
3.28 Check mark, tick ⠈⠩
3.28.1 Follow print for use of the check mark.
Am I correct in assuming this new UEB symbol would be the correct symbol for that list in Braille Formats 2016 8.6.2?
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