Children's books format

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    I am transcribing children's books and not sure of the best way to format this one. Do I put things in paragraph form or do I place each phrase on its own line? Do I use a blank line between the text groupings or use paragraph format and indent the first line?

    Sorry the scan was too big to upload. Below is the text I am working with minus the pictures.

    Dave was so excited
    her came out sideways.
    He barked twice,
    water flew off his tongue,
    and he turned a complete
    circle in the air.

    He was small
    He was cute.
    He was brand-new.

    Dave climbed right
    over the top of Kate,
    who briefly
    wore him
    like a hat.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by GFinkbeiner.

    Please try to load the file again...maybe just a page or two.  The file was too big and did not get uploaded.



    I would suggest putting the text into paragraph form...especially if the print makes it easy to distinguish 'paragraphs' by using blank lines between them.  If it rhymed, I would say do it in poetry style...but this doesn't seem to rhyme.  In order to avoid the use of an excess of blank lines, I would do the paragraphs 3-1 rather than blocked.  If the entire book is done this way, a transcriber's note is not required noting this change.



    Along this same line, and in books that are primarily picture books, often there will be only one phrase on a page, not necessarily even a complete sentence. Sometimes it is rhymed, sometimes not. It seems very disruptive to the reader to put page change indicators between all these short phrases or sentences. Since I braille for specific students, I often take some liberties with this, but what would the technically correct formatting be?


    I'm sorry that I did not see your follow up question.

    The technically correct format is to insert page numbers where they fall - even if they interrupt text.


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