Chinese Characters

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  • #11116
    Chris Clemens

    Hello once again. 😉
    I have a 3rd grade reading textbook. There is a story within this book that has Chinese characters embedded within the story. Can you please take a look and advise what I should do here?

    Thank you, Thank you. You are so very appreciated from here. 😉



    Thank you for the very kind words. Believe me, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes and I have lots of help.

    So cute! Are you using 1997 Formats or tne hew 2011 Guidelines? This is not really a foreign language question as much as it is a textbook formatting question. So which guidelines? (Hint: the answer is easier if using the new ones). But let me know and we'll see what we can come up with.


    Chris Clemens

    AAh! Sorry about that. I forgot to give you that very important info. 😉
    We are using 2011 Formats.


    Excellent. There is no braille provision for pictograph characters such as these. Braille systems for Chinese and other pictograph languages are built on a transliteration of that language into the Latin alphabet, which I believe in Chinese is called pinyin. That is not what we have here.

    Treat each of the Chinese characters as a little picture, which is what the text does itself. You could transcribe the chart on page 88 with a TN that explains that the chart shows Chinese characters and pictures for the following words, and list the words. For the story, use the new embedded TN given in section 3.2.3 of the new guidelines. I would start each story (if there are more of them) with a TN that explains that Chinese characters are used for some words in the story below. Then you won't have to repeat "Chinese character" for each each TN. The story might look like this:

    [simbraille],ON TOP (A ,'M.TA9,' "! LIV$ A ,'MAN,'1 '''[/simbraille]

    I think these embedded TN's are very helpful.


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