Compatibility: pc/mac b2k files

Home Forums Computer-Assisted Transcription Compatibility: pc/mac b2k files

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  • #33773
    Fred Van Ackeren


    I will be transitioning from Windows 7 to a new OS but haven't decided between Windows 10 and a mac. I need to know if .b2k extensions created on a pc can be opened/read on a mac and perhaps then saved on the mac. I have sent a request to Braile 2000 support but as yet have not received a reply so thought to ask those of you who might be knowledgeable in this area.

    Thanks, Fred


    I am hoping that you have since heard back from Braille 2000 support.  I know that Duxbury has a mac version of their software. As far as I know Braille 2000 does work in Windows 10.

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