Computer-Assisted Transcription-Liblouis & VBA

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  • #43539
    Michelle Barney

    I am greatly interested in learning how to use LibLouis within a Visual Basic for Applications environment. I have LibLouis 3.12.0 on a win64 system and would like to incorporate some of the dll's functionality – particularly the lou_translateString and lou_backTranslateString functions – in MS Word macros. Any assistance would be immensely appreciated.


    James Williams

    Thank you for your post. I am reaching out to the committee member's for their input on this topic. Stay tuned!

    James Williams

    My apologies for just now responding. After conferring with the committee, you might want to investigate Viewplus' Tiger Software Suite (TSS), which uses liblouis and Visual Basic add-ins for Word and Excel. Later this month, on March 31st, the CAT Committee is presenting a webinar on TSS, but with an emphasis on math transcriptions. This webinar will at least give you some perspective on the program and, if attending live, then you can ask specifically about these features. I hope this helps.

    Michelle Barney

    Thank you.

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