Computer Braille Code

Home Forums Unified English Braille Technical Computer Braille Code

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  • #43446
    Janice Taylor

    I cannot find any updates or anything online that there are formats for Computer Braille Code.  My hardcopy is from 2000 and I have printed updates from 2010.  I am wanting to know if the begin computer braille code and end computer braille code indicator should be produced with a space as we do in Nemeth or is it still to be unspaced.  Thank You  Janice


    Janice, Computer Braille Code is no longer an active code in the United States. Please see the document BANA Positions on Computer Braille Code and Braille ASCII.

    Does that lead you to further questions, or is that all you need?


    Janice Taylor

    It does answer why I cannot find anything...I will try to figure out how to produce for my heart is sad...



    It is indeed the end of an era.

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