Computer code with shapes, equations, and underscores

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    I've attached two pages from my project that show the computer code is enclosed in rectangles.  These rectangles are sometimes part of an equation.  Since I want to use the same braille symbols for the rectangles (and the interior modification indicators) throughout the book, I made the decision to braille all of the rectangle-enclosed computer coding in Nemeth Code.  That decision worked pretty well until I got to page 165 and there was underscoring between words in the rectangles.  Nemeth Code doesn't have a symbol for underscoring.  Now I'm just at a total loss.    Any ideas for how I can do this using only one braille symbol for the rectangle and its interior modifications?

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    Hmmmm. Could you perhaps use the EBAE underscore ⠸⠸ (dots 456, 456) within Nemeth Code switch indicators? I don't think I can provide more specific feedback without seeing samples of your braille transcription.



    I've done a partial transcription of the two pages I provided in the pdf file.  For page 165, I've followed your suggestion to use the Computer Braille Code underscore symbol, and I defined it in a TN preceding the table.  This may be the best solution.  Please let me know if you think of anything else.  The braille example is attached.

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    I see what you've done here, and it seems to get the information across. In the attached PDF, I've noted a few probable errors (mostly typos, and one note that, to the best of my understanding, the effect of a capitals indicator will not continue over/through the underscore).

    Reading the rectangles (regular or 'calculator rectangles,' printed with rounded corners) within rectangles within rectangles, I admit to having struggled to unpack (hence my color-coding for proofreading in the attached file), but I think the information is there and consistent.

    Braille on!


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by kdejute. Reason: DOCx file not uploaded; only PDF
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