In the 3 examples shown, there is displayed computer notation that will be transcribed with the necessary indentations as shown in print.
The Grade 1 passage indicator will precede the text.
Question: Is it necessary to switch to the Nemeth Code for items such as a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and a[x] in Sample 1?
OR for option_f = False and i = 1 in Sample 2?
OR for the matrix in Sample 3?
A = [[1, 4 ,5, 12],
[-5, 8, 9, 0],
[-6, 7, 11, 19,]]
It seems that the Nemeth Switch indicators will be used extensively in Sample 3.
In sample 3 would we use the one word switch indicator for the word "print", I assume yes?
As a final question:
Since we have used the Grade I passage indicator in the beginning, does its effect extend through the inserted Nemeth portions, or do we have to terminate the grade 1 passage for the Nemeth sections?
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