ditto in italian

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    I'm transcribing an Italian textbook.
    I have a list of vocabulary that consists of only italian words (in bold) followed by translations without any punctuation between them. In some case the translation starts with a ditto symbol (what I believe is a ditto symbol) when the italian and the english word are the same. The ditto symbol is shown as an ellipsis.
    la zuppa di verdura vegetable soup
    gli spaghetti al pomodoro ... with tomato sauce
    i ravioli alla panna ... with cream sauce

    I assume the ellipsis in Italian is in fact a ditto symbol and my transcription would be:
    <1-3>gli spaghetti al pomodoro[space][space]ditto symbol(5,2)[space]with cream sauce

    Am I correct?

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    I have to see the print page. You've said you're not sure it's a ditto symbol. I'm not either unless I see it. Please scan and post the print page. Thank you.



    Here's a copy of the page:


    Thank you for sending the page. It is very helpful. Those dots are not ditto signs and the ditto sign symbols should NOT be used in the braille. Those dots are ellipses. In foreign language punctuation ellipses are used for more things than is typical in English. In this case, even though the ellipses do indicate repetition of words, the ditto sign is not used because the ditto sign is not used in print either. See the NBA Interim Manual for Foreign Language Braille Transcribing Section 12e(3)(a) which says that a dash, hyphen or special print sign used to indicate repeition of an entire word in a vocabulary is represemted by a spaced braille dash. The ellipses are certainly a special print sign in this case. Use the dash instead.



    Thank you so much! I was not entirely happy with my transcription, knowing something was wrong, so I'm glad I've asked you about it!
    Have a good day, Isabelle

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